Suite Francaise: Storm in June - Paperback

Suite Francaise: Storm in June – Paperback

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Suite Francaise is an extraordinary novel about village life in France just as it was plunged into chaos with the German invasion of 1940… Read More
Category Tags , , SKU ZTP-9781551525969 Availability 3+ in stock
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Suite Francaise is an extraordinary novel about village life in France just as it was plunged into chaos with the German invasion of 1940. It was a publishing sensation ten years ago; Irene Nemirovsky completed the two-volume book in the early 1940s before she was arrested and sent to Auschwitz, where she died. The notebook containing the novels was preserved by her daughters but not examined until 1998 and it was finally published in 2004, immediately becoming an international bestseller. This is a stunning, black and white graphic novel retelling of that story.

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