Listen to the Countryside - Hardback

Listen to the Countryside – Hardback

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An internationally bestselling series of board books with amazing real-life sounds! This brand new edition includes replaceable AAA batteries and an exciting ‘Look and Find’ game on the final page. Press the button, recognise the sound, then point at the right picture! What sounds can be heard in the countryside? Push the buttons to find out! Aimed at babies and toddlers, this ground-breaking series of interactive board books has a button on every spread, which plays one of five different exceptional quality sound effects. Children of every age will be captivated as they bring the artwork to life with five amazing real-life sounds.


An internationally bestselling series of board books with amazing real-life sounds! This brand new edition includes replaceable AAA batteries and an exciting 'Look and Find' game on the final page. Press the button, recognise the sound, then point at the right picture! What sounds can be heard in the countryside? Push the buttons to find out! Aimed at babies and toddlers, this ground-breaking series of interactive board books has a button on every spread, which plays one of five different exceptional quality sound effects. Children of every age will be captivated as they bring the artwork to life with five amazing real-life sounds.

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