Barefoot Gen Vol. 7 - Paperback

Barefoot Gen Vol. 7 – Paperback

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Cartoonist Keiji Nakazawa was seven years old and living in Hiroshima in the early days of August 1945 when the city was destroyed by an atomic bomb dropped by the US… Read More
Category Tags , , , SKU ZTP-9780867195989 Availability 3+ in stock
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Cartoonist Keiji Nakazawa was seven years old and living in Hiroshima in the early days of August 1945 when the city was destroyed by an atomic bomb dropped by the US. Starting a few months before the event, this 10-volume saga shows life in Japan after years of war as seen through the eyes of seven-year-old Gen Nakaoka. By volume seven, Gen has grown old enough to think about the legacy of the victims of the bombing and is struggling to find a printer willing to publish an eyewitness account of the disaster, only to arouse the wrath of US army censors.

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