World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth - Islands and Isles - Hardback

World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth – Islands and Isles – Hardback

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WEIGH ANCHOR AND CHART COURSE FOR THE ISLANDS OF AZEROTH!Betwixt the sweeping seas of Azeroth, islands and isles await, bursting with splendid treasures-powerful artifacts, enchanted armor, and rousing tales from ages past. With duty delaying their honeymoon for years, First Arcanist Thalyssra and Lord Regent Lor’themar Theron finally resolve to set sail, seeking the perfect setting to celebrate their love. Join the happy couple as they travel to distant shores, scouting for the perfect sunset and learning that it is the journey-and those with whom we share it-that should be cherished most.
From the magnificent Suramar and the lush jungles of Zandalar to the rugged seas of Kul Tiras and the verdant beaches of the Dragon Isles, Exploring Azeroth: Islands & Isles is your next step in a charming voyage across Azeroth.


WEIGH ANCHOR AND CHART COURSE FOR THE ISLANDS OF AZEROTH!Betwixt the sweeping seas of Azeroth, islands and isles await, bursting with splendid treasures-powerful artifacts, enchanted armor, and rousing tales from ages past. With duty delaying their honeymoon for years, First Arcanist Thalyssra and Lord Regent Lor'themar Theron finally resolve to set sail, seeking the perfect setting to celebrate their love. Join the happy couple as they travel to distant shores, scouting for the perfect sunset and learning that it is the journey-and those with whom we share it-that should be cherished most.
From the magnificent Suramar and the lush jungles of Zandalar to the rugged seas of Kul Tiras and the verdant beaches of the Dragon Isles, Exploring Azeroth: Islands & Isles is your next step in a charming voyage across Azeroth.

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