Troublemakers, The - Hardback

Troublemakers, The – Hardback

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Low-life drug-dealer Dewey Booth has £200,000 that even-lower-lifes want… Read More
Category Tags , , , SKU ZTP-9781560979227 Availability 3+ in stock
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Low-life drug-dealer Dewey Booth has £200,000 that even-lower-lifes want. Wes is a rock and roll loser who only wants to buy a club where nobody can tell he can't sing or perform. He's known Dewey for years, but that isn't enough to get his dough. Wes needs help. Nala is a bombshell whose pleasure in life is to seduce and then humiliate men dumb enough to fall for her. For half the dough, she agrees to help Wes get Dewey's ill-gotten goods. Vincenze is another troublemaker who enjoys wrecking people's plans and wants the Dewey dough, too...

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