The Great Irish Biodiversity Book - Hardback

The Great Irish Biodiversity Book – Hardback

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Join much-loved wildlife expert Éanna Ní Lamhna as she takes us on a trip through Irish wildlife habitats – from bogs to beaches and woodland to grassland. Discover how habitats work and which creatures and plants to look out for in each one, from the very rare to the most common, all brought to life with amazing illustrations by Barry Falls. The latest book in the bestselling and award-winning Gill Books series of big topics tackled by experts, this beautifully illustrated guide introduces Ireland’s plants, animals, trees and insects to readers of all ages.


Join much-loved wildlife expert Éanna Ní Lamhna as she takes us on a trip through Irish wildlife habitats – from bogs to beaches and woodland to grassland. Discover how habitats work and which creatures and plants to look out for in each one, from the very rare to the most common, all brought to life with amazing illustrations by Barry Falls. The latest book in the bestselling and award-winning Gill Books series of big topics tackled by experts, this beautifully illustrated guide introduces Ireland’s plants, animals, trees and insects to readers of all ages.

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