The Confidante

The Confidante

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As FDR's special envoy to Europe in World War II she went where FDR couldn't go… Read More
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As FDR's special envoy to Europe in World War II she went where FDR couldn't go. She was among the first Allied women to enter a liberated concentration camp, and stood in the Eagle's Nest, Hitler's mountain retreat days after it's capture. She guided the direction of the G.I. Bill of Rights and the Manhattan Project. Though Anna Rosenberg emerged from modest immigrant beginnings, equipped with only a high school education, she was the real power behind national policies critical to America winning the war and prospering afterwards. Astonishingly, her story remains largely forgotten. With a disarming mix of charm and Tammany-hewn toughness, Rosenberg began her career in public relations in 1920s Manhattan. She became friends with Eleanor Roosevelt, who recommended Anna to her husband, then running for Governor of New York. As FDR's unofficial adviser, Rosenberg soon wielded enormous influence - no less potent for being subtle. Roosevelt dubbed her 'my Mrs. Fix-It.' Her extraordinary c

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