Lobkowicz Collections Music Series - Paperback

Lobkowicz Collections Music Series – Paperback

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This volume of The Lobkowicz Collections Music Series reveals a remarkably fruitful period in Beethoven’s career, and his relationship with Franz Joseph Maximilian, 7th Prince Lobkowicz. The Lobkowicz Collections rank among the oldest and largest privately owned collections of art, music and archival documents in Central Europe… Read More
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This volume of The Lobkowicz Collections Music Series reveals a remarkably fruitful period in Beethoven’s career, and his relationship with Franz Joseph Maximilian, 7th Prince Lobkowicz.

The Lobkowicz Collections rank among the oldest and largest privately owned collections of art, music and archival documents in Central Europe. Among the many musicians whose music played an important role in the life of the Lobkowicz family was Ludwig van Beethoven. The second volume of The Lobkowicz Collections Music Series explores intersections between the composer and one aristocratic household over the course of two decades. This narrative includes family letters, eyewitness observations published and private, archival documents, and music. Preserved in The Lobkowicz Collections are original manuscripts of significant works by Beethoven, many containing the composer’s own corrections, which were used by musicians in early performances. Some of these works were dedicated by Beethoven to Franz Joseph Maximilian, 7th Prince Lobkowicz. This volume reveals a remarkably fruitful period in Beethoven’s career, and the role that Prince Lobkowicz played in bringing his works to life.


This volume of The Lobkowicz Collections Music Series reveals a remarkably fruitful period in Beethoven’s career, and his relationship with Franz Joseph Maximilian, 7th Prince Lobkowicz.

The Lobkowicz Collections rank among the oldest and largest privately owned collections of art, music and archival documents in Central Europe. Among the many musicians whose music played an important role in the life of the Lobkowicz family was Ludwig van Beethoven. The second volume of The Lobkowicz Collections Music Series explores intersections between the composer and one aristocratic household over the course of two decades. This narrative includes family letters, eyewitness observations published and private, archival documents, and music. Preserved in The Lobkowicz Collections are original manuscripts of significant works by Beethoven, many containing the composer’s own corrections, which were used by musicians in early performances. Some of these works were dedicated by Beethoven to Franz Joseph Maximilian, 7th Prince Lobkowicz. This volume reveals a remarkably fruitful period in Beethoven’s career, and the role that Prince Lobkowicz played in bringing his works to life.

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