Jacqueline the Singing Crow - Paperback

Jacqueline the Singing Crow – Paperback

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The debut illustrated children's book from Canadian oral storyteller Mindy Kujawa features the uplifting tale of a rocky mountain crow called Jacqueline who loves to sing… Read More
Category Tags , SKU ZTP-9780992150877 Availability 3+ in stock
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The debut illustrated children's book from Canadian oral storyteller Mindy Kujawa features the uplifting tale of a rocky mountain crow called Jacqueline who loves to sing. When she's told that she just can't caw right, Jacqueline flaps south to try and escape the pain of rejection. What she learns is that pain and rejection fly with her. They do as long as she keeps caring so much about other's opinions, that is. A heart-warming tale of self-confidence against the odds.

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