Happy Little Pets: I Take Care of My Puppy - Hardback

Happy Little Pets: I Take Care of My Puppy – Hardback

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Let’s take care of a puppy!… Read More
Category Tags , , , SKU ZABRAMS-9781797205267 Availability 3+ in stock
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Let’s take care of a puppy! Feed your puppy, brush your puppy, and take your puppy on a walk around the block with the help of durable push-pull tabs, and more. Then give yourself a gold star! Perfect for dog families or little ones who want a puppy, this playful book teaches the joy of taking care of a pet. This interactive board book provides an aspirational and satisfying way for young readers to learn the basics of pet ownership. The sweet, playful text and simple, graphic style give this series a timeless feel, and push-pull tabs on each page offer opportunities for exploration and learning.


Let’s take care of a puppy! Feed your puppy, brush your puppy, and take your puppy on a walk around the block with the help of durable push-pull tabs, and more. Then give yourself a gold star! Perfect for dog families or little ones who want a puppy, this playful book teaches the joy of taking care of a pet. This interactive board book provides an aspirational and satisfying way for young readers to learn the basics of pet ownership. The sweet, playful text and simple, graphic style give this series a timeless feel, and push-pull tabs on each page offer opportunities for exploration and learning.

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