Get Up Stand Up (international pb) - Paperback

Get Up Stand Up (international pb) – Paperback

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The music of Bob Marley has inspired listeners from all over the world with messages of peace, love, and truth… Read More
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The music of Bob Marley has inspired listeners from all over the world with messages of peace, love, and truth. In this empowering adaptation of one of his most loved songs, a new generation can take heart from his joyful call to action, which shows that the way to counter injustice is to lift others up with kindness and courage. As a young girl and her friends go through the school day, they encounter several challenging situations. But by taking Marley's message and words to heart, the children are able to work through their conflicts. Adapted by Cedella Marley, Bob Marley’s eldest child, and exuberantly illustrated by John Jay Cabuay, GET UP, STAND UP is a vibrant and encouraging testament to the power we all have to make a difference and stand up for what’s right. Includes a letter to readers from Cedella Marley, talking about why the message of the song and the book is so important.

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