Flight for Freedom - Paperback

Flight for Freedom – Paperback

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Commemorate the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall with the inspiring true story of Peter’s harrowing escape from East Berlin to West Berlin via hot air balloon! Peter was born on the east side of Germany, the side that wasn’t free… Read More
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Commemorate the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall with the inspiring true story of Peter’s harrowing escape from East Berlin to West Berlin via hot air balloon!

Peter was born on the east side of Germany, the side that wasn’t free. He watches news programs rather than cartoons and wears scratchy uniforms instead of blue jeans. His family endures long lines and early curfews. But Peter knows it won’t always be this way. Peter and his family have a secret. Late at night in their attic, they are piecing together a hot air balloon—and a plan. Can Peter and his family fly their way to freedom?

Now in paperback, Flight for Freedom is the true story of one child, Peter Wetzel, and his family, as they risk their lives for the hope of freedom in a daring escape from East Germany in 1979 via a handmade hot air balloon. This thrilling nonfiction picture book is perfect for fans of historical books for young readers like Let the Children March, The Wall:Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain, and Armstrong: The Adventurous Journey of a Mouse to the Moon.


Commemorate the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall with the inspiring true story of Peter’s harrowing escape from East Berlin to West Berlin via hot air balloon!

Peter was born on the east side of Germany, the side that wasn't free. He watches news programs rather than cartoons and wears scratchy uniforms instead of blue jeans. His family endures long lines and early curfews. But Peter knows it won't always be this way. Peter and his family have a secret. Late at night in their attic, they are piecing together a hot air balloon—and a plan. Can Peter and his family fly their way to freedom?

Now in paperback, Flight for Freedom is the true story of one child, Peter Wetzel, and his family, as they risk their lives for the hope of freedom in a daring escape from East Germany in 1979 via a handmade hot air balloon. This thrilling nonfiction picture book is perfect for fans of historical books for young readers like Let the Children March, The Wall:Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain, and Armstrong: The Adventurous Journey of a Mouse to the Moon.

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