Devil Babe's Big Book of Fun! - Paperback

Devil Babe’s Big Book of Fun! – Paperback

RRP: £11.99
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Tattoo Flash, Coloring and Activity Book for Adults Why should kids have all the fun?… Read More
Category Tags , SKU ZTP-9780916397524 Availability 3+ in stock
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Tattoo Flash, Coloring and Activity Book for Adults Why should kids have all the fun? Now grown-ups can have a blast colouring in Devil Babe's luscious lips and tantalizing body parts, playing connect the dots to discover naughty pictures, and whipping up finger-licking taste sensations like Ultra-Chocolate Devil's food cake. Revcelaing artwork perfect for the ultimate tattoo is featured. A voluptuous gift for highbrow art connoisseurs and lowbrow perverts: fun for the beo

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