Curriculum in a Changing World : 50 think pieces on education, policy, practice, innovation and inclusion - Paperback

Curriculum in a Changing World : 50 think pieces on education, policy, practice, innovation and inclusion – Paperback

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A collection of 50 think pieces showcasing perspectives on curriculum theory and practice, presented by the British Educational Research Association (BERA), in conjunction with the British Curriculum Forum (BCF). Written by eminent curriculum makers and innovators working across the UK and beyond, the contributions share insights into the study and practical implementation of curriculum in schools, colleges, universities, and other formal and informal educational settings. Contributors include Rachel Lofthouse, Tim Oates, Mark Priestley, Beng Huat See, Sonia Thompson and Michael Young.
Curriculum in a Changing World explores historical and contemporary approaches to curriculum design, highlighting the evolution from knowledge-focused curricula to competency-based frameworks. Providing valuable insights for all educators, policymakers and researchers, the think pieces delve into government policy; issues of equality, diversity and inclusion; school-based innovations; and teacher education. Future directions for curriculum are considered in the context of seismic shifts in society, from global ecological concerns to a digital revolution.
The book celebrates the rich landscape of curriculum innovation and research in the four UK nations and beyond, and builds on an illustrious heritage, including the seminal tradition of research and development founded by Lawrence Stenhouse. Published to mark BERA’s 50th anniversary, this unique volume is edited by the steering group of the BCF, a vibrant and active network united by a deeply held interest in the study of theoretical, innovative and practical elements of curriculum.


A collection of 50 think pieces showcasing perspectives on curriculum theory and practice, presented by the British Educational Research Association (BERA), in conjunction with the British Curriculum Forum (BCF). Written by eminent curriculum makers and innovators working across the UK and beyond, the contributions share insights into the study and practical implementation of curriculum in schools, colleges, universities, and other formal and informal educational settings. Contributors include Rachel Lofthouse, Tim Oates, Mark Priestley, Beng Huat See, Sonia Thompson and Michael Young.
Curriculum in a Changing World explores historical and contemporary approaches to curriculum design, highlighting the evolution from knowledge-focused curricula to competency-based frameworks. Providing valuable insights for all educators, policymakers and researchers, the think pieces delve into government policy; issues of equality, diversity and inclusion; school-based innovations; and teacher education. Future directions for curriculum are considered in the context of seismic shifts in society, from global ecological concerns to a digital revolution.
The book celebrates the rich landscape of curriculum innovation and research in the four UK nations and beyond, and builds on an illustrious heritage, including the seminal tradition of research and development founded by Lawrence Stenhouse. Published to mark BERA’s 50th anniversary, this unique volume is edited by the steering group of the BCF, a vibrant and active network united by a deeply held interest in the study of theoretical, innovative and practical elements of curriculum.

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