Big Book of Facts - Hardback

Big Book of Facts – Hardback

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Be the ultimate know-it-all with this book containing more than 5,000 facts!A must-have for any curious mind, this book is packed with fascinating facts, and will take you on a thrilling journey through the world of science, history, geography and so much more. Read from cover to cover, or dip in and out at random, to find out about the human body, animals, the environment and technology, and discover mind-expanding facts on every page. Brilliant, bold design makes complex and wide-ranging information easy to understand and absorb.


Be the ultimate know-it-all with this book containing more than 5,000 facts!A must-have for any curious mind, this book is packed with fascinating facts, and will take you on a thrilling journey through the world of science, history, geography and so much more. Read from cover to cover, or dip in and out at random, to find out about the human body, animals, the environment and technology, and discover mind-expanding facts on every page. Brilliant, bold design makes complex and wide-ranging information easy to understand and absorb.

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