Barefoot Gen #1: a Cartoon Story of Hiroshima - Paperback

Barefoot Gen #1: a Cartoon Story of Hiroshima – Paperback

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The reissue of this classic manga's first volume has impeccable timing… Read More
Category Tags , , , SKU ZTP-9780867196023 Availability 3+ in stock
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The reissue of this classic manga's first volume has impeccable timing. It recounts the bombing of Hiroshima from the perspective of a young boy, Gen, and his family. But the book's themes (the physical and psychological damage ordinary people suffer from war's realities) ring chillingly true today. Despite its harrowing nature, this work is invaluable for the lessons it offers in history, humanity and compassion. Published to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing.

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