Amherst College - Paperback

Amherst College – Paperback

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Amherst The Campus Guide is an architectural tour of one of North America’s most prestigious liberal arts colleges… Read More
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Amherst The Campus Guide is an architectural tour of one of North America’s most prestigious liberal arts colleges. Founded in Western Massachusetts some two hundred years ago, the one thousand-acre campus is a living museum of architectural history, bearing the imprint of distinguished firms in architecture and landscape Frederick Law Olmsted; McKim, Mead &amp White; Benjamin Thompson; Edward Larrabee Barnes; Shepley Bulfinch; and Michael Van Valkenburgh. Organized as a series of six walks, the guide interweaves the history of the college with the story of the campus’s development. Newly commissioned photographs and a hand drawn pocket map enhance this engaging journey through Amherst’s architecture, landscape, interior design, and sculpture.


Amherst The Campus Guide is an architectural tour of one of North America's most prestigious liberal arts colleges. Founded in Western Massachusetts some two hundred years ago, the one thousand-acre campus is a living museum of architectural history, bearing the imprint of distinguished firms in architecture and landscape Frederick Law Olmsted; McKim, Mead & White; Benjamin Thompson; Edward Larrabee Barnes; Shepley Bulfinch; and Michael Van Valkenburgh. Organized as a series of six walks, the guide interweaves the history of the college with the story of the campus's development. Newly commissioned photographs and a hand drawn pocket map enhance this engaging journey through Amherst's architecture, landscape, interior design, and sculpture.

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