500 Chess Questions Answered - Paperback

500 Chess Questions Answered – Paperback

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An insightful new book, perfect for newcomers to chess, that divulges practical advice and explains technical terms that chess books often overlook. An insightful new book that is perfect for newcomers to chess inspired by Netflix's Queen's Gambit. Written by one of the best chess communicators in the business, chess master and chess journalist Andy Soltis divulges practical advice …… Read More
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An insightful new book, perfect for newcomers to chess, that divulges practical advice and explains technical terms that chess books often overlook.

An insightful new book that is perfect for newcomers to chess inspired by Netflix's Queen's Gambit.

Written by one of the best chess communicators in the business, chess master and chess journalist Andy Soltis divulges practical advice and explains technical terms that chess books often overlook. From learning how to train your mind with chess information to choosing the best chess opening, dip in and out of this invaluable guide to improve your chess in a minutes.

Chess questions answered in this book include:

Is there a best way to study chess?
How do I know if I have a natural talent?
How important is chess memory and how can I train mine?
How long should I think before choosing a move?
Is there a proper way to think? Can I think like a chess computer?
How do I develop chess intuition?

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