1000 Checkmate Combinations - Paperback

1000 Checkmate Combinations – Paperback

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1000 Checkmate Combinations is a truly remarkable classic, containing everything you need to know about how to execute a checkmate. This truly outstanding book, first published in Russian in the 1970s and regarded as a classic, contains everything you need to know about how to deliver checkmate. 1000 Checkmate Combinations contains a wealth of elegant and sophisticated chess tactic…… Read More
Category Tags , SKU ZABRAMS-9781849947251 Availability 3+ in stock
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1000 Checkmate Combinations is a truly remarkable classic, containing everything you need to know about how to execute a checkmate.

This truly outstanding book, first published in Russian in the 1970s and regarded as a classic, contains everything you need to know about how to deliver checkmate.

1000 Checkmate Combinations contains a wealth of elegant and sophisticated chess tactics as well as systematic and effective instruction. Each chapter covers a different piece or combination of pieces that is able to deliver checkmate, and provides illustrative templates for just about every mating formation. By working through the book, readers will develop their ability to recognise the potential for checkmate, as well as the know-how to execute one.

Clearly written and beautifully organised, it will appeal to all chess players but particularly club players.

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